Letter to Remove Greenhouse Growers Ability to Grow Cannabis from Proposed Official Plan - To County Planning & Town of Essex Council

To County Planning Dept and Essex Town Council,

I am writing this email on behalf of not only the residents of Colchester but the entire population of the Town of Essex to have you reconsider the intent to allow the growing, cultivation and processing of cannabis anywhere within the Town of Essex confines.

The indoor growth of cannabis poses considerable problems with odour that is not likely to be controlled and/or eliminated and the stench from this growing process is unbearable to most people.  The heavy smell of cannabis growth is almost like an oil mist and will remain on your skin, hair and clothing long after any exposure time.  Neighbours within a few kilometres of any cannabis growing greenhouses will be hyper-exposed to these odours and their homes, carpeting and walls will eventually be soaked with cannabis odours.  Most anyone who has lived in this area has noticed the extremely foul odours emanating from some greenhouse installations in Leamington and these are always cannabis growing facilities.

Note that greenhouse operators have indicated that they can control these odours with various forms of filters and other technology but it has been proven to seldom be effective, requires significant and costly maintenance and significant odours are still reported by neighbours.

The Town of Essex doesn't need these cannabis greenhouse producers to begin their growing operations in the Town as it would seem that the other locales have welcomed them.  Close the door to the Town of Essex by removing Section 4.4 from the Proposed 2024 Official Plan and prohibiting the production of cannabis for the sake of the residents.

Most sincerely,


Letter re Building in Flood Prone Areas - Forwarded to Local MP, MPP, County, Town, Media


Letter re County of Essex 2024 Proposed Official Plan - To County & Town