Colchester Community Centre - Dec 5, 2024
At the specific request of the Town Of Essex Council, Horizon Developments, the developers of the property at Ambassador Beach known as Colchester Heights, were asked to schedule a meeting to enlighten area residents. Horizon determined that they would issue invitations only to the immediate neighbours of that new development. One of the residents of Pleasure Beach, received the invitation and asked Colchester Matters to attend on her behalf. Considering that many of the people in that general area are part-time residents, attendance was somewhat limited. Mayor Bondy and councillors Jason Matyi and Brad Allard were also part of the audience. Engineers from Dillon Consulting, the firm representing Horizon Developments, were on hand to walk people through the presentation boards on display.
Throughout the hour and a half meeting, there appeared to be lively discussions between the engineers and residents and neighbours who had questions and concerns about drainage, fencing, widening of the Ambassador Beach road, intensification, the wisdom of adding basements, the western side lot easement and many other items. Questions were asked about whether prospective buyers would be warned in writing, in advance, that this entire area is susceptible to flooding (as per ERCA drawings) and that the availability of flood insurance was unlikely (no answers were received on this question).
As of the date that this article was written, this subdivision has yet to be approved by the County of Essex and all of the designs displayed by Dillon Consulting are based on the pre-engineering done to help secure that approval. The Town of Essex has provided their endorsement of this subdivision but the County has the final say.
More photos of the display boards are below.
Colchester Residents Meet to Review Issues
On Thursday, November 28, 2024, a large number of Colchester residents gathered at the Harrow arena to hear a presentation given by Mayor Sherry Bondy about the village and it’s concerns with large housing developments, official plans wastewater systems, flooding, drainage and numerous other topics. The crowd was alert, engaged and listened attentively while the Mayor explained the details of the Provincial Planning Statements and the County and Town Official Plans. She also delved into topics such as the Municipal Drainage Act, zoning and the realities facing both homeowners, the town and various developers.
The last portion of the meeting was devoted to a question and answer session with numerous residents voicing their concerns about intensification, basement flooding, over development, hydro reliability and concerns about crowding and traffic.
Mayor Bondy ended the session with a reminder that the Mayor and Council really do listen to residents and how important it was for all residents to stay interested and involved. “Communication is critical” she said, “Don’t be afraid to reach out to Council, we really do listen!”