Our town’s Planning Department has been working with the Colchester Bay Developers for some time and as part of their process suggested that the Developers (Horizon Development) commission and pay for an Environmental Assessment of the requirement for waste water sewers in Colchester. Stantec Engineering completed that study and presented their results to Council in July 2023.
As expected, their findings indicated that without Colchester Bay, no sewer system expansion was required for a number of years but obviously, with 458 new homes, the existing system would need to be completely updated to new technology at a cost likely to exceed $50 million. This is despite the fact that our current sewage collection and processing system is at only 57% capacity. (See slide at right)
Without Colchester Bay and the 5 beach developments but with normal growth in Colchester, the system will last for at least another 12 to 16 years. Note as well that our current system is still approved for use by the Province of Ontario and under normal circumstances would be acceptable to them for the balance of its life. Therefore, it’s obvious the only reason for the replacement of most of the system is the addition of the Colchester Bay Development.
The cost distribution for that $50 million is planned to fall significantly onto the shoulders of the Colchester Bay development but the Town (the taxpayers actually) will be on the hook for the balance. Exactly what the Town’s portion is remains to be seen. Grants have been applied for but most every other Municipality in Ontario has applied as well and the well is running dry. Our first grant application from earlier this year was denied; the town cancelled plans to reapply but has continued with the engineering. A contract in excess of $2.5 million in mid 2024 was provided to Stantec Engineering to complete the overall design of a new sewage system even though implementation may not happen for 10 to 15 years. Also note the potential addition of another 434 homes plus ADU’s in the area West of Colchester were factored into Stantec’s calculations which would likely hasten any major upgrades and subsequent costs.
Note that the flooding issue has been discussed in the Colchester West section but in some cases flooding in the downtown area of Colchester and areas not prone to high lake levels has been caused by sanitary system overflows, backwater valve failures, pump overloads and failures along with lack of maintenance and other problems. Further information will be added when it becomes available. Colchester Matters has a local resource who has experience and understanding of the Colchester area drainage systems. Hopefully in the coming weeks, we’ll be able to become much more familiar with the design capabilities and limitations of the Colchester area’s stormwater management system. More to Follow.