Actions You Can Take To Help Colchester

Here are 5 things that you can do and all will help Colchester;

1/ Send an Email to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors clearly stating your opinions and concerns about the proposed Colchester Secondary Plan. it’s easy………just move to the Take Action screen on this website and press EMail or Phone Mayor or Councillors and you’ll get photos, phone numbers and email addresses. Then either select the individual you want or push the large button that says' Press to Send One Email to Entire Council’. Then type your message and you’ve done it!

2/ Call the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors clearly and politely stating your opinion about the proposed Colchester Secondary Plan and/or anything else that they have to power to change.

3/ Talk to your neighbours, friends and other local residents and ask them to get involved and have them log on to our website for more information. The more residents the better.

4/ Get a lawn sign or 2 and proudly state that you don’t want Colchester to be taken advantage of. Go to the Colchester Matters home screen and press the button at the bottom right to send in your order. We’ll deliver and install within 24 hours.

5/ If you are able, plan to attend Town Council meetings and other meetings related to Colchester or a least watch meetings on YouTube where your Town Councillors are likely to attend. Our Mayor, Deputy Mayor & all Councillors are extremely approachable and want to listen. Talk to them politely and voice your concerns.

If you’ve got further ideas and comments about exactly what could be done to assist Colchester, please feel free to send them to us via the Comment box below. We don’t block comments and we’ll publish them for everyone to see.


Comments re Sewers & Storm Drainage